
Submile Packages List for Laravel

List of Packages you want to install in Sublime Editor when you are working in Laravel. AutoFileName A File Icon AdvancedNewFile Auto Semi-Colon SublimeLinter Emmet Bootstrap 3 Snippets Laravel Blade Highlighter SidebarEnhancements Vuejs Snippets SublimeLinter-php Vue Syntax Highlight Laravel 5 Snippets

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Send email from localhost using gmail in Laravel

Most of the developers face situation where they wont be able to send email from localhost in Laravel using gmail credentials. It is bit connected settings between Laravel and Gmail. Steps to follow while setting it up in local Create gmail account so that you can use it for your Laravel application. eg: I have created account [email protected] with password Setp@assword. Go to gmail security settings to allow less secure app. By default, google has security not to allow other…

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Being a simple and career oriented guy, I believe in Hard work, dedication and loyalty. I prefer to complete task in time. There should be good behavior along with your professionalism.
Most of all I am an Optimistic, Positive Thinker.

Paragliding at Pokhara, Nepal