Senior Software Engineer, Digital Marketing Expert, Insurance Surveyor/ Loss Assessor & Validator
Remember me for

Software Development

Custom Application Development

Insurance Assessment

Insurance Surveyor/ Loss Assessor & Validator

What they say about me

I have had the honor to be Prakash’s Business Coach. Prakash is the perfect blend of Smart and Kind. He has been an ideal client with a lot of great ideas, projects and dreams. Prakash is dedicated and committed to his success both professionally and personally. Throughout our sessions, he demonstrated a strong ability to welcome change, learn new concepts and apply powerful changes to the way he leads his life. In only a few weeks, he drastically improved tasks breakdown and prioritization. He also started leading all his relationships with assertiveness, practicing saying “NO” when necessary. Prakash loves to learn new things and strives to become the best version of himself. His drive to succeed, his positivity and his big heart will undoubtedly help him achieve anything he sets his mind to.

Emeline (Omont) Roissetter

Prakash is a great software engineer and humble person. With proven abilities in web development and SEO, he is an instrumental team player. The will to learn new things and execute tasks aligning with business value is his USP. I wish him all the success for his career and a solid progressive career path which he deserves.

Geshan Manadhar

Prakash is a very focused and balanced person. He knows his priorities and organizes his work accordingly. I have known him at work for the last one year and feel great working with him. He is an ambitious person and looks at life in a challenging way. He excels in his field of knowledge and strives to keep learning. It feels great to have positive thinking people around you at work and Prakash is one of them.
I wish him all the best for his future endeavors.

Pooja Ambale

Sublime – Add text in the start, end of each line

Sublime is one of the most used code editor by the developers. It is famous because of its packages & other great features. It keeps up working to make it better. I cam across the condition where I had thousands of line and had to put certain text at the start & end of the each line. I decided to research instead doing manual, luckily this resolves the issue. We must enable Regular expressions for this. Please follow the following…

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How to import and export a MySQL database in Linux, Windows server

EXPORT go to the location you want to save exported filecd /var/www/ or wherever you would like to export the file Run this command; ask password – Put the MySQL passwordsudo mysqldump -u root -p db_name > db_export_file.sql Check the file location which we set in step 1 IMPORT Keep/Upload the sql file in the hosting server you would easily locate when you want to export Go to the location where you have uploaded the SQL file. cd /var/www or…

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Building wheel for psycopg2-binary ( … error

apt-get install libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev pip3 install libpq-dev python3-dev pip3 install psycopg2-binary Change the following line in the requirements.txt like this: psycopg2==2.7.7; sys_platform != ‘win32’ and python_version < ‘3.8’ psycopg2==2.8.5; sys_platform == ‘win32’ or python_version >= ‘3.8’ pip3 install Pillow

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Being a simple and career oriented guy, I believe in Hard work, dedication and loyalty. I prefer to complete task in time. There should be good behavior along with your professionalism.
Most of all I am an Optimistic, Positive Thinker.

Paragliding at Pokhara, Nepal